Finnish–English dictionary for rule-based machine translation
This page has been generated automatically from the XML dictionary data. It is intended for visualisation. Please find the machine-readable source codes in apertium repository for fin-eng.
Apertium will use following letters as alphabets in its tokenisation:
Symbol | Comment |
<abbr> |
Abbr=Yes |
<acc> |
Case=Acc |
<acr> |
Abbr=Yes |
<ade> |
Case=Ade |
<adj> |
<adv> |
<al> |
PropnType=Unk |
<an> |
??? |
<ant> |
PropnType=Ant |
<apos> |
PunctType=apos |
<card> |
NumType=Card |
<cm> |
PunctType=Cm |
<cnjadv> |
<cnjcoo> |
<cnjsub> |
<cog> |
PropnType=Cog |
<def> |
Definite= |
<dem> |
PronType=Dem |
<det> |
<enc> |
Clitic=ko |
<ess> |
Case=Ess |
<f> |
PropnType=Fem |
<gen> |
Case=Gen |
<ger> |
VerbForm=Ger |
<guio> |
<ij> |
<ill> |
Case=Ill |
<ind> |
PronType=Ind |
<ine> |
Case=Ine |
<ins> |
Case=Ins |
<itg> |
PronType=Itner |
<lpar> |
<lquest> |
<lquot> |
<m> |
PropnType=Male |
<mf> |
PropnType=_ |
<n> |
<ND> |
Number=_ |
<neg> |
Polarity=Neg |
<nn> |
I don't thinke anyone knows these really... |
<nom> |
Case=Nom |
<np> |
<nt> |
Gender=Neut |
<num> |
<obj> |
Case=Acc |
<ord> |
Numtupe=Ord |
<p1> |
Person=1 |
<p2> |
Person=2 |
<p3> |
Person=3 |
<par> |
Case=Par |
<part> |
<pers> |
PronType=Pers |
<pl> |
Number=Plur |
<pos> |
Degree=Pos |
<post> |
AdpType=Post |
<pr> |
AdpType=Pre |
<preadv> |
<predet> |
<prn> |
<pron> |
<punct> |
<pxsp3> |
Person[psor]=3 |
<qnt> |
PronType=Ind |
<qst> |
Clitic=Ko |
<qu> |
PronType=Ind |
<quot> |
<ref> |
Reflex=Yes |
<rel> |
PronType=Rel |
<rpar> |
<rquot> |
<sent> |
<sg> |
Number=Sing |
<sint> |
AdjType=Sint |
<sp> |
Number=_ |
<subj> |
Case=Nom |
<subst> |
??? |
<sym> |
<tn> |
??? |
<top> |
PropnType=Top |
<tra> |
Case=Tra |
<vaux> |
apuverbi |
<vbdo> |
<vbhaver> |
<vblex> |
<vbmod> |
<vbser> |
<x> |
X |
RL | Finnish | C | English | C | Comments |
C-130 (np) | |||||
Cabeza (np) | |||||
Cabeza (np) | |||||
Cabot (np) | |||||
Cabot (np) | |||||
Cacheris (np) | |||||
Cadillac (np) | |||||
Caesar (np) | |||||
Cai (np) | |||||
Caitlyn (np) | |||||
Caixa (np) | |||||
Calabria (np) | |||||
Calabria (np) | |||||
Calais (np) | |||||
Calderon (np) | |||||
Calderon (np) | |||||
Calderwood (np) | |||||
Caleb (np) | |||||
Caleb (np) | |||||
Calgary (np) | |||||
California (np) | |||||
Calin (np) | |||||
Cali (np) | |||||
Callaghan (np) | |||||
Callahan (np) | |||||
Callum (np) | |||||
Calpers (np) | |||||
Calum (np) | |||||
Calva (np) | |||||
Calvert (np) | |||||
Calzadilla (np) | |||||
Calzaghe (np) | |||||
Cambodia (np) | |||||
Cambridge (np) | |||||
Camden (np) | |||||
Camden (np) | |||||
Camdyn (np) | |||||
Cameron (np) | |||||
Camilla (np) | |||||
Camille (np) | |||||
Campbell (np) | |||||
Camp (np) | |||||
Canadiens (np) | |||||
Canberra (np) | |||||
Cancer (np) | |||||
Candace (np) | |||||
Canfield (np) | |||||
Caniff (np) | |||||
Canio (np) | |||||
Cannes (np) | |||||
Can (np) | |||||
Cansu (np) | |||||
Canterbury (np) | |||||
Canterbury (np) | |||||
Canyon (np) | |||||
Cao (np) | |||||
Cao (np) | |||||
Caparica (np) | |||||
Capex (np) | |||||
Capital (np) | |||||
Capitol (np) | |||||
Capitol (np) | |||||
Capp (np) | |||||
Cara (np) | |||||
Cardenas (np) | |||||
Cardenas (np) | |||||
Cardiff (np) | |||||
Cardi (np) | |||||
Card (np) | |||||
Carina (np) | |||||
Carletonville (np) | |||||
Carlisle (np) | |||||
Carlisle (np) | |||||
Carlo (np) | |||||
Carlo (np) (pl) | |||||
Carlos (np) | |||||
Carlsbad (np) | |||||
Carl (np) | |||||
Carlson (np) | |||||
Carlson (np) | |||||
Carlton (np) | |||||
Carlton (np) | |||||
Carlyle (np) | |||||
Carlyle (np) | |||||
Carmelita (np) | |||||
Carmichael (np) | |||||
Carmichael (np) | |||||
Carmona (np) | |||||
Carnegie (np) | |||||
Carney (np) | |||||
Carnival (np) | |||||
Carole (np) | |||||
Carolina (np) | |||||
Carona (np) | |||||
Carrère (np) | |||||
Carrie (np) | |||||
Carroll (np) | |||||
Carroll (np) | |||||
Carr (np) | |||||
Carson (np) | |||||
Carter (np) | |||||
Cartes (np) | |||||
Cartosio (np) | |||||
Carvalho (np) | |||||
Casablad (np) | |||||
Casey (np) | |||||
Cashman (np) | |||||
Cassandra (np) | |||||
Cassell (np) | |||||
CAS (np) | |||||
Castillo (np) | |||||
Castor (np) | |||||
Castor (np) | |||||
Castro (np) | |||||
Catchpole (np) | |||||
Cates (np) | |||||
Cathay (np) | |||||
Catiline (np) | |||||
Caudron (np) | |||||
Cazeils (np) | |||||
CBC (np) | |||||
CBGB (np) | |||||
CB (np) | |||||
CBS (np) | |||||
CDC (np) | |||||
Ceballos (np) | |||||
Cecil (np) | |||||
Cecil (np) | |||||
CEDT (np) | |||||
Ceferin (np) | |||||
Cefer (np) | |||||
Celesio (np) | |||||
Celia (np) | |||||
Cellini (np) | |||||
Celsius (np) | |||||
Centcom (np) | |||||
Central Park (np) | |||||
Central (np) | |||||
Centre (np) | |||||
Cephalon (np) | |||||
Cervantes-Barragan (np) | |||||
Cervantes (np) | |||||
Cervantes (np) | |||||
Cesar (np) | |||||
Cesar (np) | |||||
Cesc (np) | |||||
Cesc (np) | |||||
Cetus (np) | |||||
Ceuta (np) | |||||
Ceuta (np) | |||||
CFE (np) | |||||
CFO (np) | |||||
CGA (np) | |||||
CGI (np) | |||||
Chacon (np) | |||||
Chafak (np) | |||||
Chaisse (np) | |||||
Chakvetadze-Schiavone (np) | |||||
Chalmers (np) | |||||
Chalmers (np) | |||||
Chamberlian (np) | |||||
Chamchamal (np) | |||||
Chandler (np) | |||||
Chandler (np) | |||||
Chanel (np) | |||||
Chanel (np) | |||||
Chaney (np) | |||||
Chang (np) | |||||
Chang (np) | |||||
Channing (np) | |||||
Chan (np) | |||||
Chapel (np) | |||||
Chapman (np) | |||||
Chapo (np) | |||||
Chapo (np) | |||||
Charles (np) | |||||
Charlestown (np) | |||||
Charlie (np) | |||||
Charlotte (np) | |||||
Chase (np) | |||||
Chasse (np) | |||||
Chatanooga (np) | |||||
Chatham (np) | |||||
Chatswin (np) | |||||
Chavez (np) | |||||
Chazz (np) | |||||
Cheh (np) | |||||
Chelios (np) | |||||
Chelsea (np) | |||||
Cheney (np) | |||||
Cheney (np) | |||||
Cheng (np) | |||||
Cheng (np) | |||||
Chennai (np) | |||||
Chennai (np) | |||||
Chen (np) | |||||
Cheol (np) | |||||
Chepe (np) | |||||
Chequers (np) | |||||
Cherie (np) | |||||
Chernowitz (np) | |||||
Chesney (np) | |||||
Chevas (np) | |||||
Chevy (np) | |||||
Chey (np) | |||||
Chicago (np) | |||||
Chidambaram (np) | |||||
Childers (np) | |||||
Childress (np) | |||||
Child (np) | |||||
Chile (np) | |||||
Chimera (np) | |||||
Chimpo (np) | |||||
Chinatown (np) | |||||
Chinatown (np) | |||||
Chinmoy (np) | |||||
Chino (np) | |||||
Chirac (np) | |||||
Chirac (np) | |||||
Chi (np) | |||||
Chisora (np) | |||||
Chittagong (np) | |||||
Chloe (np) | |||||
Chloë (np) | |||||
Chomsky (np) | |||||
Chongqing (np) | |||||
Chopin (np) | |||||
Chopin (np) | |||||
Cho (np) | |||||
Cho (np) | |||||
Choza (np) | |||||
Chozick (np) | |||||
Chris (np) | |||||
Chrissy (np) | |||||
Christa (np) | |||||
Christian (np) | |||||
Christie (np) | |||||
Christine (np) | |||||
Christion (np) | |||||
Christodoulou (np) | |||||
Christopher (np) (ant) (m) | |||||
Chrysler (np) | |||||
Chrystia (np) | |||||
Chuck (np) | |||||
Churchill (np) | |||||
Chu (np) | |||||
Chutki (np) | |||||
Chuuk (np) | |||||
Ciara (np) | |||||
Cicero (np) | |||||
Cicero (np) (ant) (m) | |||||
Cincinnati (np) | |||||
Cincinnati (np) | |||||
Cindy (np) | |||||
Cipriani (np) | |||||
Cisco (np) | |||||
Cisterna (np) | |||||
Citigroup (np) | |||||
Citizendium (np) | |||||
CIT (np) | |||||
Ciudad Juarez (np) | |||||
Ciudad (np) | |||||
Ciudad (np) | |||||
Civeira (np) | |||||
Civic (np) | |||||
Claiborne (np) | |||||
Claire (np) | |||||
Clapton (np) | |||||
Clapton (np) | |||||
Clarke (np) | |||||
Clark (np) | |||||
Clark (np) | |||||
Claude (np) | |||||
Claud (np) | |||||
Clayton (np) | |||||
Clegg (np) | |||||
Clegg (np) | |||||
Clemens (np) | |||||
Clemens (np) | |||||
Clers (np) | |||||
Cleveland (np) | |||||
Cleveland (np) | |||||
Clichy (np) | |||||
Clifford (np) | |||||
Clift (np) | |||||
Climo (np) | |||||
Cline (np) | |||||
Cline (np) | |||||
Clinton (np) | |||||
Clive (np) | |||||
Clooney (np) | |||||
Cloud (np) | |||||
Clouseau (np) | |||||
Club (np) | |||||
Cluley (np) | |||||
Clyde (np) | |||||
Clyro (np) | |||||
CNBC (np) | |||||
CNN (np) | |||||
Coca (np) | |||||
Coen (np) | |||||
Coen (np) | |||||
Coe (np) | |||||
Coffey (np) | |||||
Cohen (np) | |||||
Cohn (np) | |||||
Coker (np) | |||||
Cola (np) | |||||
Cola (np) | |||||
Colchie (np) | |||||
Coleman (np) | |||||
Coleraine (np) | |||||
Cole (np) | |||||
Colin (np) | |||||
Coliseum (np) | |||||
Colleen (np) | |||||
Collier (np) | |||||
Collingwood (np) | |||||
Collingwood (np) | |||||
Collin (np) | |||||
Collin (np) | |||||
Colombina (np) | |||||
Colonna (np) | |||||
Colorado (np) | |||||
Col (np) | |||||
Columbia (np) | |||||
Columbus (np) | |||||
Colvine (np) | |||||
Comaneci (np) | |||||
Compean (np) | |||||
CompUSA (np) | |||||
Comrade (np) | |||||
ComScore (np) | |||||
Com (np) | |||||
Concord (np) | |||||
Concourse (np) | |||||
Condi (np) | |||||
Condoleezza (np) | |||||
Condoleezza (np) | |||||
Conley (np) | |||||
Connecticut (np) | |||||
Connery (np) | |||||
Connie (np) | |||||
Connie (np) | |||||
Connolly (np) | |||||
Connolly (np) | |||||
Connor (np) | |||||
Conor (np) | |||||
Conrad (np) | |||||
Consorcio (np) | |||||
Constance (np) | |||||
Constance (np) | |||||
Convercent (np) | |||||
Cooke (np) | |||||
Cook (np) | |||||
Coon (np) | |||||
Cooper (np) | |||||
Cooper (np) | |||||
Coop (np) | |||||
Coors (np) | |||||
Copacabana (np) | |||||
Copeland (np) | |||||
Copeland (np) | |||||
Coppée (np) | |||||
Copper (np) | |||||
Coppin (np) | |||||
Corbyn (np) | |||||
Corcoran (np) | |||||
Cordelia (np) | |||||
Cordero (np) | |||||
Cordero (np) | |||||
Cordoba (np) | |||||
Cordoba (np) | |||||
Coreco Mortgage Brokers (np) | |||||
Coreco (np) | |||||
Coretta (np) | |||||
Cornelissen (np) | |||||
Corneliu (np) | |||||
Cornelius (np) | |||||
Cornell-Duranleau (np) | |||||
Cornell (np) | |||||
Cornwall (np) | |||||
Coronado (np) | |||||
Corp (np) | |||||
Correio (np) | |||||
Correio (np) | |||||
Cortés (np) | |||||
Coruña (np) | |||||
Corvinus (np) | |||||
Cosby (np) | |||||
Cosla (np) | |||||
Co (np) (sg) | |||||
Costa Rica (np) | |||||
Costa Rica (np) | |||||
Costa (np) | |||||
Costumier (np) | |||||
Cotter (np) | |||||
Cotton Bowl (np) | |||||
Coughlin (np) | |||||
Coulibaly (np) | |||||
Coulsdon (np) | |||||
Coulter (np) | |||||
Coupe (np) | |||||
Courtois (np) | |||||
Court (np) | |||||
Cove (np) | |||||
Cowell (np) | |||||
Cownie (np) | |||||
Cozad (np) | |||||
CPJ (np) | |||||
Crabtree (np) | |||||
Craiglang (np) | |||||
Craig (np) | |||||
Cramer (np) | |||||
Cramo (np) | |||||
Crawford (np) | |||||
Credit Suisse (np) | |||||
Crenshaw (np) | |||||
Cresta (np) | |||||
Cretaceous (np) | |||||
Crick (np) | |||||
Crieppam (np) | |||||
CRIEPPAM (np) | |||||
Crimean (np) | |||||
Crimestoppers (np) | |||||
Cristiano (np) | |||||
Crohn (np) | |||||
Cromwell (np) | |||||
Crowe (np) | |||||
Crowe (np) | |||||
Crown Comms (np) | |||||
Croydon (np) | |||||
Cruz (np) | |||||
Cryobanks (np) | |||||
C. (np) | |||||
CTO (np) | |||||
Cubbage (np) | |||||
Cubs (np) | |||||
Cueto (np) | |||||
Culiacan (np) | |||||
Cumberland (np) | |||||
Cumberland (np) | |||||
Cumbria (np) | |||||
Cumbria (np) | |||||
Cuomo (np) | |||||
Curacao (np) | |||||
Current Biology (np) | |||||
Cushing (np) | |||||
Cushnahan (np) | |||||
Cutler (np) | |||||
Cutler (np) | |||||
Cutts (np) | |||||
Cyprien (np) | |||||
Cyprien (np) | |||||
CytRx (np) | |||||
Czeisler (np) | |||||
C (n) | C (n) | ||||
C (n) | C (n) | ||||
C-duuri (n) | C major (n) | ||||
C-duuriasteikko (n) | C major scale (n) | ||||
C-duuriasteikko (n) | scale of C major (n) | ||||
C-horisontti (n) | C horizon (n) | ||||
C-horisontti (n) | C-horizon (n) | ||||
C-kääntäjä (n) | C compiler (n) | ||||
C-nuottiavain (n) | C clef (n) | ||||
C-ohjelma (n) | C program (n) | ||||
C-paristo (n) | C battery (n) | ||||
C-puristin (n) | C-clamp (n) | ||||
C-vitamiini (n) | vitamin C (n) | ||||
CAT-kuvaus (n) | CAT scan (n) | ||||
CAT-skanneri (n) | CAT scanner (n) | ||||
CB (n) | CB (n) | ||||
CCCP (np) | USSR (np) | ||||
CD-ROM-asema (n) | CD-ROM drive (n) | ||||
CD-asema (n) | CD drive (n) | ||||
CD-levy (n) | compact disc (n) | ||||
CD-levy (n) | compact disk (n) | ||||
CD-poltin (n) | CD burner (n) | ||||
CD-poltin (n) | compact-disk burner (n) | ||||
CD-soitin (n) | CD player (n) | ||||
CD4-solu (n) | CD4 cell (n) | ||||
CD8-T-solu (n) | CD8 T cell (n) | ||||
CD8-solu (n) | CD8 cell (n) | ||||
CFA (n) | CFA (n) | ||||
CFC-yhdisteet (n) | chlorofluorocarbon (n) | ||||
CISL (n) | CISL (n) | ||||
CN-kaasu (n) | CN gas (n) | ||||
CN-torni (n) | CN Tower (n) | ||||
CNN (n) | CNN (n) | ||||
CO2 (n) | CO2 (n) | ||||
CP (n) | CP (n) | ||||
CP-aivovaurio (n) | cerebral palsy (n) | ||||
CP-vamma (n) | cerebral palsy (n) | ||||
CRC (n) | cyclic redundancy check (n) | ||||
CRT-näyttö (n) | CRT screen (n) | ||||
CS-kaasu (n) | CS gas (n) | ||||
Caesar-salaatti (n) | Caesar salad (n) | ||||
Calif. (abbr) | Calif. (abbr) | ||||
Callophis (n) | Callophis (n) | ||||
Cannabis sativa (n) | Cannabis sativa (n) | ||||
Carpentarianlahti (np) | Carpentaria (np) | ||||
Carpentarianlahti (np) | Gulf of Carpentaria (np) | ||||
Casanova (np) | Lothario (np) | ||||
Caymansaaret (np) | Cayman Islands (np) | ||||
Celsius-asteikko (n) | Celsius scale (n) | ||||
Chabad-hasidismi (n) | Chabad Hasidism (n) | ||||
Charles Chaplin (np) | Charlie Chaplin (np) | ||||
Chesapeakelahdennoutaja (n) | Chesapeake Bay retriever (n) | ||||
Citlaltépetl (np) | Citlaltepetl (np) | ||||
Colbert-kastike (n) | Colbert butter (n) | ||||
Colbert-kastike (n) | Colbert (n) | ||||
Colobus (n) | colobus (n) | ||||
Colobus-apina (n) | colobus monkey (n) | ||||
Concord-rypäle (n) | Concord grape (n) | ||||
Cornish-kana (n) | Cornish fowl (n) | ||||
Corp (n) | Corp (n) | ||||
Cortésinmeri (np) | Sea of Cortes (np) | ||||
Cro-Magnon (n) | Cro-magnon (n) | ||||
Cryptocoryne (n) | cryptocoryne (n) | ||||
Cryptomonadales (n) | cryptomonad (n) | ||||
Cupido (np) | Cupid (np) | ||||
Curie-piste (n) | Curie temperature (n) | ||||
LR | c (adj) | 100th (adj) | |||
c-klorofylli (n) | chlorofucin (n) | ||||
c-klorofylli (n) | chlorophyll c (n) | ||||
c-segmentti (n) | compact car (n) | ||||
ca (adv) | circa (adv) | ||||
cabriolet (n) | convertible (n) | ||||
caddie (n) | caddie (n) | ||||
caddie (n) | tea caddy (n) | ||||
caddo (n) | Caddoan (n) | ||||
caddo (n) | Caddo (n) | ||||
cafe (n) | cafe (n) | ||||
cafeteria (n) | cafe (n) | ||||
cajuni (n) | Cajun (n) | ||||
camber-kulma (n) | camber (n) | ||||
canasta (n) | basket rummy (n) | ||||
canasta (n) | canasta (n) | ||||
canasta (n) | meld (n) | ||||
cancan (n) | cancan (n) | ||||
cancrum (n) | canker sore (n) | ||||
candlepin-keilailu (n) | candlepin bowling (n) | ||||
candlepin-keilailu (n) | candlepins (n) | ||||
caninus (n) | canine tooth (n) | ||||
caninus (n) | dogtooth (n) | ||||
cannelloni (n) | cannelloni (n) | ||||
cantaloupe (n) | cantaloupe (n) | ||||
cantaloupe (n) | cantaloup (n) | ||||
cantaloupemeloni (n) | cantaloupe (n) | ||||
cantaloupemeloni (n) | cantaloupe vine (n) | ||||
cantaloupemeloni (n) | Persian melon (n) | ||||
cantaloupemelonikasvi (n) | cantaloup vine (n) | ||||
capital (n) | vcapital (n) | ||||
cappuccino (n) | cappuccino (n) | ||||
carbonado (n) | black diamond (n) | ||||
cardigan (n) | Cardigan (n) | ||||
carib (n) | Carib (n) | ||||
carib-intiaani (n) | Carib Indian (n) | ||||
carina (n) | keel (n) | ||||
carioca (n) | carioca (n) | ||||
carolinalainen (n) | Carolinian (n) | ||||
carolinanaratti (n) | Carolina parakeet (n) | ||||
carolinanaratti (n) | Conuropsis (n) | ||||
caruncula (n) | caruncula (n) | ||||
casabameloni (n) | casaba melon (n) | ||||
cascarilla-kuori (n) | sweetwood bark (n) | ||||
cashew-puu (n) | cashew tree (n) | ||||
cashew-pähkinä (n) | cashew nut (n) | ||||
cashewpähkinä (n) | cashew nut (n) | ||||
castrolaisuus (n) | Castroism (n) | ||||
catawba (n) | Catawba (n) | ||||
cavalier (n) | Cavalier (n) | ||||
cay (n) | cay (n) | ||||
cayenne (n) | cayenne (n) | ||||
cayennenpippuri (n) | cayenne pepper (n) | ||||
cayennepaprika (n) | cayenne pepper (n) | ||||
cayennepippuri (n) | cayenne (n) | ||||
cd (n) | cd (n) | ||||
cd-levy (n) | cd record (n) | ||||
cebuano (n) | Cebuano (n) | ||||
cebuano (n) | Cebuan (n) | ||||
celsius (n) | celsius (n) | ||||
celsiusaste (n) | degree Celsius (n) | ||||
celsiusaste (n) | degree centigrade (n) | ||||
celsiusasteikko (n) | centigrade scale (n) | ||||
celsiusasteikko (n) | international scale (n) | ||||
cembalisti (n) | harpsichordist (n) | ||||
cembalo (n) | harpsichord (n) | ||||
center (n) | center (n) | ||||
centurio (n) | centurion (n) | ||||
cerasus (n) | cherry (n) | ||||
cesiumatomikello (n) | caesium clock (n) | ||||
cessio (n) | assignment (n) | ||||
ceyloniitti (n) | Ceylonite (n) | ||||
ceylonilainen (n) | Ceylonese (n) | ||||
ceyloninkaneli (n) | Ceylon cinnamon (n) | ||||
ceyloninkaneli (n) | Ceylon cinnamon tree (n) | ||||
cgs-järjestelmä (n) | cgs system (n) | ||||
cha (n) | cha (n) | ||||
chaga (n) | Chaga (n) | ||||
chagga (n) | Chagga (n) | ||||
chahta (n) | Chahta (n) | ||||
chai (n) | chai (n) | ||||
chalazion (n) | chalazion (n) | ||||
chamosiitti (n) | chamosite (n) | ||||
chance-half-korrelaatio (n) | chance-half correlation (n) | ||||
charlotte-vanukas (n) | charlotte (n) | ||||
charmi (n) | charm (n) | ||||
charmikampanja (n) | charm campaign (n) | ||||
charter (n) | charter (n) | ||||
charter-koulu (n) | charter school (n) | ||||
charteryrittäjä (n) | charterer (n) | ||||
chartismi (n) | Chartism (n) | ||||
chartisti (n) | Chartist (n) | ||||
chasseur-kastike (n) | sauce chausseur (n) | ||||
chassé (n) | chasse (n) | ||||
chassé (n) | sashay (n) | ||||
cheddarinjuusto (n) | Armerican cheddar (n) | ||||
cheddarjuusto (n) | cheddar cheese (n) | ||||
cheerleader (n) | cheerleader (n) | ||||
chemakuan (n) | Chemakuan (n) | ||||
chemakum (n) | Chemakum (n) | ||||
chenillelanka (n) | chenille cord (n) | ||||
chenillelanka (n) | chenille (n) | ||||
cheroot-sikari (n) | cheroot (n) | ||||
cheshire (n) | Cheshire cheese (n) | ||||
cheshirenjuusto (n) | Cheshire cheese (n) | ||||
chesterfield-sohva (n) | chesterfield (n) | ||||
chevy (n) | chevy (n) | ||||
chevy (n) | chevy (n) | ||||
chiMwini (n) | ChiMwini (n) | ||||
chicagolainen (adj) | Chicagoan (adj) | ||||
chichewa (n) | Chichewa (n) | ||||
chickasaw (n) | Chickasaw (n) | ||||
chiclekumi (n) | chicle gum (n) | ||||
chiclekumi (n) | chicle (n) | ||||
chiffon-kakku (n) | chiffon cake (n) | ||||
chihuahua (n) | chihuahua (n) | ||||
chileläinen (n) | Chilean (n) | ||||
chileläinen (adj) | chilean (adj) | ||||
chilenmansikka (n) | beach strawberry (n) | ||||
chilenmansikka (n) | Chilean strawberry (n) | ||||
chilensalpietari (n) | caliche (n) | ||||
chilensarda (n) | Chilean bonito (n) | ||||
chilensarda (n) | Chile bonito (n) | ||||
chilensarda (n) | Pacific bonito (n) | ||||
chilentähtikasvit (n) | Tecophilaeacea (n) | ||||
chili (n) | chili (n) | ||||
chili (n) | chilli (n) | ||||
chilietikka (n) | chili vinegar (n) | ||||
chilijauhe (n) | chili powder (n) | ||||
chilikastike (n) | chili sauce (n) | ||||
chilipaprika (n) | chili pepper (n) | ||||
chilipaprika (n) | chilli pepper (n) | ||||
chilipaprika (n) | long pepper (n) | ||||
chilipata (n) | chili con carne (n) | ||||
chilipippuri (n) | chili pepper (n) | ||||
chilipippuri (n) | hot pepper (n) | ||||
chilipippuri (n) | red pepper (n) | ||||
chilipippuri (n) | tabasco pepper (n) | ||||
chiliseos (n) | chili powder (n) | ||||
chiluba (n) | Chiluba (n) | ||||
chimakum (n) | Chimakum (n) | ||||
chimariko (n) | Chimariko (n) | ||||
chin (n) | Chin (n) | ||||
chinatown (n) | chinatown (n) | ||||
chinchilla (n) | chinchillon (n) | ||||
chinchillarotta (n) | chinchilla rat (n) | ||||
chinkapintammi (n) | chinkapin oak (n) | ||||
chinkapintammi (n) | chinquapin oak (n) | ||||
chinkapintammi (n) | yellow chestnut oak (n) | ||||
chinook (n) | Chinook (n) | ||||
chinook-tuuli (n) | chinook (n) | ||||
chinook-tuuli (n) | chinook wind (n) | ||||
chinquapin-kastanja (n) | chinquapin (n) | ||||
chipata (vblex) | chip (vblex) | ||||
chipewya (n) | Chippewaian (n) | ||||
chipewyan (n) | Chipewyan (n) | ||||
chippewa (n) | Chipewyan (n) | ||||
chippewa (n) | Chippewa (n) | ||||
chippewa (n) | Chippewyan (n) | ||||
chippi (n) | chip (n) | ||||
chishona (n) | Chishona (n) | ||||
chiwere (n) | Chiwere (n) | ||||
chloasma (n) | liver spot (n) | ||||
chlordiazepoxidum (n) | chlordiazepoxide (n) | ||||
choctaw (n) | Choctaw (n) | ||||
chorea (n) | canine chorea (n) | ||||
chow mein (n) | chow mein (n) | ||||
chow-chow (n) | chow chow (n) | ||||
chukka-jalkine (n) | chukka boot (n) | ||||
chukka-kengät (n) | chukka (n) | ||||
churidar-housut (n) | churidars (n) | ||||
churriguereskityylinen (n) | churrigueresco (n) | ||||
churriguereskityylinen (n) | churrigueresque (n) | ||||
chutney (n) | chutney (n) | ||||
cis (n) | cis (n) | ||||
cisalppinen (n) | cisalpine (n) | ||||
LR | city (n) | city (n) | |||
LR | city (n) | city (n) | |||
city-maasturi (n) | sport utility vehicle (n) | ||||
clarino (n) | clarion (n) | ||||
claro-sikari (n) | claro (n) | ||||
cleanup-asema (n) | cleanup position (n) | ||||
cleanup-lyöjä (n) | cleanup (n) | ||||
cleanup-paikka (n) | cleanup spot (n) | ||||
clou (n) | clou (n) | ||||
clumberinspanieli (n) | clumber (n) | ||||
clumberinspanieli (n) | clumber spaniel (n) | ||||
cluster-päänsärky (n) | cluster headache (n) | ||||
clydesdalenhevonen (n) | Clydesdale (n) | ||||
clydesdalenterrieri (n) | Clydesdale terrier (n) | ||||
cm (n) | cm (n) | ||||
LR | cm (adj) | 900th (adj) | |||
cm (n) | cm (abbr) | ||||
co. (adv) | Co. (abbr) | ||||
cochimi (n) | Cochimi (n) | ||||
cockeri (n) | cocker (n) | ||||
cockerspanieli (n) | cocker spaniel (n) | ||||
cockerspanieli (n) | English cocker spaniel (n) | ||||
cocktail (n) | cocktail (n) | ||||
cocktail (n) | stinger (n) | ||||
cocktailbaari (n) | cocktail lounge (n) | ||||
cocktailkastike (n) | cocktail sauce (n) | ||||
cocktailkirsikka (n) | maraschino (n) | ||||
cocktailkutsut (n) | cocktail party (n) | ||||
cocktailravistin (n) | cocktail shaker (n) | ||||
cocktailtikku (n) | swizzle stick (n) | ||||
cocoyam (n) | cocoyam (n) | ||||
cocozelle-kesäkurpitsalajike (n) | cocozelle (n) | ||||
cocozelle-kurpitsalajike (n) | cocozelle (n) | ||||
cocozelle-kurpitsalajike (n) | Italian vegetable marrow (n) | ||||
coeloma (n) | celoma (n) | ||||
cokis (n) | Coke (n) | ||||
coleslaw (n) | coleslaw (n) | ||||
college (n) | college (n) | ||||
college-opiskelija (n) | college student (n) | ||||
college-taso (n) | college level (n) | ||||
collegehousut (n) | sweatpants (n) | ||||
collegepaita (n) | sweatshirt (n) | ||||
collegepusero (n) | sweatshirt (n) | ||||
collie (n) | collie (n) | ||||
coloradolainen (n) | Coloradan (n) | ||||
comtelaisuus (n) | Comtism (n) | ||||
congius-mitta (n) | congius (n) | ||||
congo-tee (n) | congo (n) | ||||
congou (n) | congou (n) | ||||
congou-tee (n) | congou tea (n) | ||||
connecticutilainen (n) | Connecticuter (n) | ||||
conoy (n) | Conoy (n) | ||||
cool (adj) | cool (adj) | ||||
coolius (n) | coolness (n) | ||||
copehan (n) | Copehan (n) | ||||
copyright (n) | copyright (n) | ||||
copywriter (n) | copywriter (n) | ||||
coriolisvoima (n) | Coriolis force (n) | ||||
cornwallilainen (n) | Cornishman (n) | ||||
cornwallilainen (n) | Cornishwoman (n) | ||||
costaricalainen (n) | Costa Rican (n) | ||||
costiasis (n) | costiasis (n) | ||||
coudé-järjestelmä (n) | coude system (n) | ||||
coulombi (n) | coulomb (n) | ||||
country (n) | country music (n) | ||||
countrymusiikki (n) | country music (n) | ||||
couscous (n) | couscous (n) | ||||
cover (n) | cover (n) | ||||
cover-esitys (n) | cover song (n) | ||||
cover-versio (n) | cover version (n) | ||||
cowboy (n) | cowboy (n) | ||||
cowboy-hevonen (n) | cow pony (n) | ||||
cowboy-saapas (n) | cowboy boot (n) | ||||
coxsackievirus (n) | Coxsackie virus (n) | ||||
crack (n) | crack (n) | ||||
crack (n) | tornado (n) | ||||
crack-kokaiini (n) | crack cocaine (n) | ||||
crapette (n) | Russian bank (n) | ||||
credit-merkintä (n) | credit entry (n) | ||||
credit-puoli (n) | credit side (n) | ||||
cree (n) | Cree (n) | ||||
creek (n) | Creek (n) | ||||
cribbage-lauta (n) | cribbage board (n) | ||||
cross (n) | cross (n) | ||||
crosse (n) | crosse (n) | ||||
crow (n) | Crow (n) | ||||
crème brulée (n) | creme brulee (n) | ||||
culpa-vastuu (n) | culpability (n) | ||||
culpa-vastuu (n) | culpableness (n) | ||||
cumuluspilvi (n) | cumulus cloud (n) | ||||
cunnilingus (n) | cunnilinctus (n) | ||||
cunnilingus (n) | cunnilingus (n) | ||||
cup (n) | cup (n) | ||||
cup-finaali (n) | cup final (n) | ||||
curie (n) | curie (n) | ||||
curry (n) | curry powder (n) | ||||
curry (n) | curry (n) | ||||
curryjauhe (n) | curry powder (n) | ||||
currykastike (n) | curry sauce (n) | ||||
currykeitto (n) | mulligatawny (n) | ||||
currypata (n) | curry (n) | ||||
curuba (n) | banana passion fruit (n) | ||||
curuba (n) | sweet calabash (n) | ||||
cushaw-kurpitsa (n) | cushaw (n) | ||||
cy-près (n) | cy pres (n) | ||||
cy-près-oppi (n) | cy pres doctrine (n) | ||||
cy-près-sääntö (n) | rule of cy pres (n) | ||||
cyberrikollinen (n) | cyber criminal (n) | ||||
cytopenia (n) | haematocytopenia (n) |