Apertium bilingual data for Finnish–German machine translation
This statistic has been generated automatically from the XML dictionary data. It is intended for visualisation. Please find the machine-readable source codes in apertium repository for fin-deu.
There are 86 symbols in this dictionary.
There are 92 symbols in this dictionary.
There are 2 paradigms in this dictionary.
There are 19895 words in the dictionary part main.
There are 9 cats in this ruleset.
There are 11 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 4 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 9 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 cats in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 cats in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 61 cats in this ruleset.
There are 18 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 13 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 73 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 cats in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 cats in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
There are 1 attrs in this ruleset.
Documentation for apertium-fin-deu. Generated with Flammie’s apevis-xslt.