
Apertium bilingual data for Finnish–German machine translation

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apertium-deu-fin: Finnish–German rules for rule-based machine translation

This is a visualisation of some rules in apertium transfer.

Categories (parts of chunks)

These are the categories Apertium is using in order to chunk, re-order and transfer lexemes.

Category Items
noun <n.*> <np.*>
adj <adj.*>
num <num.*>
negverb <vaux.neg.*> <vblex.neg.*>
verb <vblex.*> <vaux.*> <vbmod.*> <vbser.*>
someprn <prn.rel.*> <prn.dem.*> <det.def.*>
inf <vblex.*.infa.*> <vaux.*.infa.*> <vbmod.*.infa.*> <vbser.*.infa.*> <vblex.*.infma.*> <vaux.*.infma.*> <vbmod.*.infma.*> <vbser.*.infma.*>
pastverb <vblex.*.past.*> <vaux.*.past.*> <vbmod.*.past.*> <vbser.*.past.*>
sent <sent>


These are the morphological analysis value (tag) sets that can be processed in the transfer.

Attribute set name Tags
a_case <nom> <ine> <ela> <ill> <ade> <abl> <all> <par> <gen> <acc> <tra> <lat> <ess> <dat>
a_noun <n> <np> <n.abbr> <n.acr> <np.abbr> <np.acr>
a_prn <prn> <prn.dem> <prn.rel> <det.def>
a_adj <adj>
a_num <num>
a_gender <m> <f> <nt> <mf>
a_number <sg> <pl> <sp>
a_verb <vblex> <vblex.neg> <vblex.sep> <vaux> <vbser> <vbmod>
a_voice <actv> <pasv>
a_tense <pri> <pii> <ifi> <pres> <past>
a_prsnum <p1.sg> <p2.sg> <p3.sg> <p1.pl> <p2.pl> <p3.pl>


Macros are helper functions in apertium transfer files.


Parametres: 1

  1. let $number ≔ “”


Parametres: 1

  1. if sl[1]['lem'] ≟ “yksi” then:
  2. let tl[1]['a_number']<sg>
  3. else:
  4. let tl[1]['a_number']<pl>


Parametres: 1

  1. if sl[1]['a_case']<ela>sl[1]['a_case']<ill>sl[1]['a_case']<abl>sl[1]['a_case']<all>sl[1]['a_case']<par>sl[1]['a_case']<acc> then:
  2. let tl[1]['a_case']<acc>
  3. elseif sl[1]['a_case']<ine>sl[1]['a_case']<ade> then:
  4. let tl[1]['a_case']<dat>
  5. elseif sl[1]['a_case']<ins>sl[1]['a_case']<tra>sl[1]['a_case']<ess> then:
  6. let tl[1]['a_case']<nom>


Parametres: 1

  1. if sl[1]['a_tense']<past> then:
  2. let tl[1]['a_tense']<pii>
  3. elseif sl[1]['a_tense']<pri> then:
  4. let tl[1]['a_tense']<pri>


The actual rules concerning stuff.

negverb neg: find persnum and fix

Matching pattern:

  1. negverb
  2. verb


  1. tensemood-mangler($1)
  2. Output:
  3. vp<VP> 1. tl[2]['lem'] tl[2]['a_verb'] tl[2]['a_tense'] tl[1]['a_prsnum'] 1. blank1 1. “nicht”<adv>

Compose syntactic past form

Matching pattern:

  1. pastverb


  1. tensemood-mangler($1)
  2. Output:
  3. vp<VP.PAST> 1. “haben”<vbhaver.pri>tl[1]['a_prsnum'] 1. blank0 1. tl[1]['lem'] tl[1]['a_verb'] <pp>

Map infs sto inf

Matching pattern:

  1. inf


  1. tensemood-mangler($1)
  2. Output:
  3. vp<VP> 1. tl[1]['lem'] tl[1]['a_verb'] <inf>

Drop voice from verbs, mangle tense mood

Matching pattern:

  1. verb


  1. tensemood-mangler($1)
  2. Output:
  3. vp<VP> 1. tl[1]['lem'] tl[1]['a_verb'] tl[1]['a_tense'] tl[1]['a_prsnum']

Mangle case of some prns but not all

Matching pattern:

  1. someprn


  1. case-mangler($1)
  2. Output:
  3. np<NP> 1. tl[1]['lem'] tl[1]['a_prn'] tl[1]['a_gender'] tl[1]['a_number'] tl[1]['a_case']

Mangle case of nouns

Matching pattern:

  1. noun


  1. case-mangler($1)
  2. Output:
  3. np<NP> 1. tl[1]['lem'] tl[1]['a_noun'] tl[1]['a_gender'] tl[1]['a_number'] tl[1]['a_case']

Mangle case of adjs

Matching pattern:

  1. adj


  1. case-mangler($1)
  2. Output:
  3. np<AP> 1. tl[1]['lem'] tl[1]['a_adj'] <sint.attr>

Drop case, mangle num of nums… German is weirdly tagged

Matching pattern:

  1. num


  1. num-mangler($1)
  2. Output:
  3. nump<NumP> 1. tl[1]['lem'] tl[1]['a_num'] tl[1]['a_number']

Default rule

Matching pattern:

  1. sent


  1. Output:
  2. sent<SENT> 1. tl[1]['whole']

Documentation for apertium-deu-fin. Generated with Flammie’s apevis-xslt.