Apertium-tat, a morphological transducer and Constraint Grammar-based tagger for Tatar
1 Rarely Asked Questions
1.1 How do I force an irregular stem to take front/  back vowel endings?
1.2 In "apertium-tat.tat.lexc", what do marks Err/  Orth, Dir/  LR, Dir/  RL and Use/  Arch mean?

Apertium-tat, a morphological transducer and Constraint Grammar-based tagger for Tatar

1 Rarely Asked Questions

1.1 How do I force an irregular stem to take front/back vowel endings?

For a stem in apertium-tat.tat.lexc file, add {ъ} (i.e. lowercase Cyrillic ‘hard sign’ in curly braces, which have to be escaped in HFST/LEXC) to the right-hand side of the entry if that stem should take back vowel endings, e.g.:



The lowercase Cyrillic ‘soft sign’ {ь} triggers front vowel harmony:


This two signs are only necessary for irregular words when you see that phonological rules from the TWOL file don’t work ‘out-of-the box’ for the word in question.

A major execption are abbreviations. It might be necessary to add either of these two marks to most of them.


1.2 In "apertium-tat.tat.lexc", what do marks Err/Orth, Dir/LR, Dir/RL and Use/Arch mean?