
Apertium translator between Finnish and Karelian (North / Vienankarjala / Karelian "proper")

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apertium-fin-krl: Finnish–Karelian rules for rule-based machine translation

This is a visualisation of some rules in apertium transfer.

Categories (parts of chunks)

These are the categories Apertium is using in order to chunk, re-order and transfer lexemes.

Category Items
noun <n.*>
inf <vblex.inf.*> <vaux.inf.*>
infa <vblex.inf> <vaux.inf> <vblex.inf.*> <vaux.inf.*>
punct <punct>


These are the morphological analysis value (tag) sets that can be processed in the transfer.

Attribute set name Tags
verbtype <vblex> <vaux>
case <nom> <par> <gen> <ess> <acc> <tra> <ine> <ela> <ill> <ade> <abl> <all>
number <sg> <pl> <sp> <ND>
infform <inf> <infa> <infma> <infe>
possessive <px1sg> <px2sg> <px3sp> <px1pl> <px2pl>


Macros are helper functions in apertium transfer files.


Parametres: 1

  1. if sl[1]['infform']<inf>sl[1]['case']<ill> then:
  2. let tl[1]['infform']<infma>
  3. elseif sl[1]['infform']<inf>sl[1]['case']<ine> then:
  4. let tl[1]['infform']<infe>
  5. else:
  6. let tl[1]['infform']<infa>1. let tl[1]['number']<sg>1. let tl[1]['case']<lat>


The actual rules concerning stuff.

infa only: -> sg.lat

Matching pattern:

  1. infa


  1. infmangler1($1)
  2. Output:
  3. inf<INFA> 1. tl[1]['lem'] tl[1]['verbtype'] <actv.infa.sg.lat>

infs: map cases and so

Matching pattern:

  1. inf


  1. infmangler1($1)
  2. Output:
  3. inf<INF> 1. tl[1]['lem'] tl[1]['verbtype'] <actv>tl[1]['infform'] <sg>tl[1]['case'] tl[1]['possessive']

puncts fallback: copy

Matching pattern:

  1. punct


  1. Output:
  2. punct<PUNCT> 1. tl[1]['whole']

Documentation for apertium-fin-krl. Generated with Flammie’s apevis-xslt.